To Re-Enchant the World: A Philosophy of Unitarian Universalism
By Richard Grigg
100pp. Xlibris. $17.84
ISBN: 1413466915
The central claim of Richard Grigg’s “To Re-Enchant the World: A Philosophy of Unitarian Universalism” is to show “…that contemporary Unitarian Universalism, with its unique ability to bring together a plethora of different spiritualities within a single community, is a particularly powerful site for the re-enchantment of the world, for the rebirth of the sacred.” (p.13)
In this his book succeeds admirably. Drawing on strains of thought from philosophy, psychology, poetry and a little dose of humor from pop-culture icons in the Simpson’s TV series he weaves together a fine vision of what Unitarian Universalism strives for: a grand synthesis of religious ideas from the diversity of human culture. Grigg even includes a chapter for “A Contrarian Interlude” in which he critiques his own book and answers possible objections.
In 100 pages, including informative footnotes on sources, Richard Grigg has given us a wonderfully compact, yet substantive book on contemporary UU thought.
Ruel J. Eskelsen
All Souls Church, Washington, DC