These "appreciation meditations" can be as quiet and introspective or as energetic and interactive as you desire. The aim is cultivating gratitude. Gratitude is the starting point for generosity and action.
We all need to eat, but how many of us pay attention to our food beyond the first bite or two? How often do we appreciate how wonderful it is to have food? For this exercise, you will need some food, whether a meal or snack, but something that requires more than two mouthfuls to consume.
The seed and root beneath the Earth,
the willful, growing shoot…
the hopeful bud then flowering blossom
turned to glowing fruit.
We thank those who grew this food
from little bursting seeds,
We thank our Mother Earth,
whose gifts fulfill our needs.
- Adapted from Anonymous
First, take a moment to appreciate the fact that you actually have food to eat. Think back to a time when you were really hungry. Remember how good it felt when you finally got to eat. (If doing this with a family or group, encourage participants to briefly share their memories.)
If using your hands, notice the texture as you pick it up, the temperature, and perhaps the color(s). If you're eating from a plate with a knife and fork, notice instead the texture and temperature of the cutlery as you move it toward the food, but still take the time to notice the colors on the plate.
As you move the food toward your mouth, shift the focus away from the hands and more toward the eyes, nose and mouth. How does the food smell? What does it look like up close? And, as you put it in your mouth, what is the taste, the texture, the temperature? If you wish, try rolling the food around with your tongue to get a better sense.
Do not start chewing until you have put your fork/spoon or the food back down. Give all of your attention to each step of eating one step at a time. Take the time to chew the food fully. Twenty, thirty chews if you can. Not only is this a healthier way of eating, but it will allow you the time to taste and appreciate all the different flavors. Notice if the flavor changes while you chew. Some foods become more complex with more chews; some just disappear.
While chewing, know that you are chewing. Finally, when ready to swallow, know that you are swallowing. Notice the sensation of the lump moving to the back of your mouth, and then down. The feeling of your tongue against the roof of your mouth. See how far down your esophagus you can still feel the food travel.
Imagine the nourishment filling your stomach, and from there moving to every other part of your body. Into your limbs. Seeping into every cell.
Only after you have swallowed, move your hand(s) to pick up your food again. Take another mouthful, mindfully. Again, do not start chewing until you've placed your hand(s) back down. When taking a bite, know that you are taking a bite. When chewing, know that you are chewing. When swallowing, know that you are swallowing. See how long you can do this without your mind wandering to other things.
. is made possible in part by generous support from the Fahs Collaborative.
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